
In the Silence of the Night


Posted on January 31, 2019 by Jenn Zatopek

It is truly a joy to be over at The Glorious Table today and share with you about my own struggles with sleepless nights and how I encounter God’s compassion in the midst of them.


I wake early again and toss and turn in my bed for a while. I can tell it’s early morning because no sunlight is streaming in through our bedroom windows—and I am groggy. I try to fall back asleep, staying still in my warm bed with my husband lying quietly next to me, but it’s no use. I can’t keep my brain from whirring with thoughts that clamor for attention.

I do the only helpful thing to do: I slowly make my way out of bed and wend my way to our little study to pray. The cold north winds rattle the window panes as I carefully navigate through the darkened house. I settle into the armchair with an afghan and a purring cat, and then I sit in the dark. I have learned that turning on lights keeps my brain wide awake. What I need right now, more than anything, is darkness. . . 

I’d love for you to click here and finishing reading at The Glorious Table.

(Photo by Tyson Dudley on Unsplash)
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  • Reply Carolyn Goldsmith

    I am speechless. This is beautifully powerful!

    February 2, 2019 at 10:05 am
    • Reply Jenn Zatopek

      Thank you for reading it and commenting! I am so blessed by your encouragement and love!

      February 4, 2019 at 11:04 am

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