Posted on June 29, 2021 by Jenn Zatopek
Last June on the eve of the summer solstice, I tasted heaven on earth while vacuuming the back bedroom.
It was before dinner when I stole away to vacuum the house while my family finished cooking dinner. Beginning in the living room, I noticed the handmade wooden shelves my husband created, the setting sun blazing through open shades. As I vacuumed the small bedroom, I entered a little sanctuary: evening light poured onto the creamy quilt on our bed as indigo and lavender filled the darkening sky. I noticed The Lovers painting by Marc Chagall hung splendidly above the bed while the tops of the wooden dressers on the opposite wall held beloved treasures. I paused to examine my labor, and light was all I saw. . .
I’d love it if you clicked here and read the rest over at Fathom.
(Photo by Zack Smith on Unsplash)
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